Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

PT. cocoa ventures

powderCocoa powder, or unsweetened cocoa is made by milling cocoa cake into powder form. Cocoa cake is the remains of chocolate liquor after most of the cocoa butter is removed. Since most of the fat has been extracted, cocoa powder is considered the least fatty form of chocolate. The powder possesses a strong to mild chocolate flavor without the texture characteristic of cocoa butter. Natural powder color ranges from light tan to brown. Some of the powders uses are evident in reduced fat and calorie recipes, chocolate milk, ice cream, chocolate flavored coatings, biscuits, syrups, and tobacco products.
Standart Specification
Product Code : P1-1-01
Product Name : PT. Cocoa Ventures Indonesia Natural Cocoa Powder
Product Type : Natural Cocoa Powder 10 - 12% Fat Content

Physical & Chemical Characteristics
Color : Brown  
Flavor : Good Chocolate Flavor  
Fat Content ( % ) : 10.0 - 12.0 SNI-01-2323-2002
Fineness (through 200 mesh sieve) : 97 – 99%  
pH Range : 5 – 6 SNI-SP-SMP-350-1985
Moisture ( % ) : 5 max AOAC 977.10
Shell Content ( % ) : 1.75 max  

Microbiological Characteristics
Total Plate Count Per Gram : 5,000 max SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Mould and Yeasts Per Gram : 50 max SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Coliform in l g : Negative SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Escherichia coli in l g : Negatif 

powderCocoa powder has a natural acidity, and when it is treated with an alkali to neutralize this acidity, it is called Dutch process cocoa (also known as Alkalized Cocoa). The alkalization process was developed in 1828 by C.J. Van Houten in the Netherlands. Alkalized cocoa powder color ranges from dark brown to black. The alkalization process enhances ph levels to as high as 8. Its uses are similar to natural cocoa powder as it is also used in chocolate milk, ice cream, chocolate flavored coatings, biscuits, syrups, and tobacco products. However, its deeper color provides a richer visual appearance and its less acidic flavor blends well with other ingredients.
Standart Specification
Product Code : P2-1-01 / P2-1-20
Product Name : PT. Cocoa Ventures Indonesia Alkalized Cocoa Powder
: PT. Cocoa Ventures Indonesia Dark Alkalized Cocoa Powder
Product Type : Alkalized Cocoa Powder 10 - 12% Fat Content

Physical & Chemical Characteristics
Color : Dark Brown  
Flavor : Good Chocolate Flavor  
Fat Content ( % ) : 10.0 - 12.0 SNI-01-2323-2002
Fineness (through 200 mesh sieve) : 97 – 99%  
pH Range : 6.8 – 7.0 (P1-1-01)
  7.0 – 7.5 (P2-1-20)
Moisture ( % ) : 5 max AOAC 977.10
Shell Content ( % ) : 1.75 max  

Microbiological Characteristics
Total Plate Count Per Gram : 5,000 max SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Mould and Yeasts Per Gram : 50 max SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Coliform in l g : Negative SNI - 01 - 2323 - 2002
Escherichia coli in l g : Negatif

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